Hair Loss In Women – Why And How Women Lose Hair

When you start losing hair substantially, it marks the presence of a medical condition, one that is fortunately preventable as well as curable. Hair loss in women can be attributed to various factors such as nutritional deficiencies and scalp conditions.

Hair loss in women is absolutely normal, and on an average, women lose fifty to hundred hair a day. That’s just hair going through its cycles and there will be new ones to replace the lost hair, so don’t panic the next time you spot hair clinging to your brush just after you’ve styled your hair. But when the hair loss starts to escalate, it is definitely a cause for concern and you need to consult your physician or dermatologist immediately.

hair loss in women
Minor hair loss in women caused by everyday brushing of hair is entirely normal.

Here are some of the causes for hair loss in women.

Five Common Reasons For Hair Loss In Women

  1. Telogen Effluvium

    This is a condition that occurs after pregnancy, drastic weight loss, major surgery, or extreme stress, and is often characterized by loss of handfuls of hair. It may also be the result of certain kinds of medication, such as antidepressants, beta-blockers, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    loss of hair in women
    Telogen Effluvium, a type of loss of hair in women, is characterized by extreme hair loss.
  2. Androgenetic Alopecia

    This is the most common cause for hair loss. It is also called hereditary hair loss, as the gene that causes this condition is inherited either from the mother or the father. To reverse this condition, people can use a substance called minoxidil, which works quite satisfactorily. But women should not use this chemical when they are pregnant or are nursing.

    causes of hair loss in women
    Androgenetic Alopecia, one of the top causes of hair loss in women, can be countered with a chemical called Minoxidil.
  3. Hypothyroidism

    Women with hypothyroidism are prone to hair loss. The thyroid glands produce a hormone that regulates moods, heart rate, and metabolism. When there is a deficiency in the production of this hormone, the condition is called hypothyroidism. Millions of individuals, including a huge number of women, suffer from this problem. In people with this condition, the hair, nails, and skin become brittle and break easily. If you have hypothyroidism, consult an endocrinologist for a prescription of thyroid hormone medication to repair the hormonal imbalance, which will then help fight hair loss.

  4. Iron Deficiency Resulting In Anemia

    Women experiencing heavy periods and women who are not consuming enough iron in their diets are prone to anemia. This condition is characterized by fatigue, loss of energy, weakness, pale skin, and potential hair loss. To reverse this condition, women must consume more of iron-rich foods such as beef, pork, fish, leafy greens, fortified cereals, and beans—preferably, along with foods rich in vitamin C.

  5. Skin Conditions Of The Scalp

    Certain conditions of the scalp may also lead to hair loss. Examples of such conditions include seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), psoriasis, and fungal infections such as ringworm. Each condition usually requires a clinical prescription: a medicated shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis, medication or light therapy for psoriasis, and oral antifungal medication for ringworm.

As hair loss in women is caused by various factors, it is necessary to get to the underlying cause of hair loss to treat this condition. In many cases, ensuring a regular intake of healthy food and keeping the hair clean can go a long way in preventing and countering hair loss. Take good care of your hair and it will respond by being your crowning glory!

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