How To Prevent Gingivitis – Tips For Dental Care

Gingivitis, otherwise known as gum disease, is a common condition that affects people based on their dental hygiene. The age old saying that ‘prevention is better than cure’ holds good for gingivitis too, because it’s easy to learn how to prevent gingivitis – all it takes is a few steps!

Certain simple measures can help you keep gingivitis causes at bay and prevent the occurrence of this condition.

Some Tips On How To Prevent Gingivitis

  • Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day

    People often forget the little things when they wonder how to prevent gingivitis.

    Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day. Plaque is the irritant that causes gingivitis symptoms and needs to be removed. Brushing removes the plaque from your teeth and gum margins.

    Always use a fluoridated toothpaste. Do not rush through the brushing process – your teeth deserve your time and attention. Spend about 2 minutes and make sure that you are cleaning all areas of your mouth, including your tongue.

    how to prevent gingivitis
    To learn how to prevent gingivitis, start by using a fluoride toothpaste

    Do not use a hard bristled brush. You need to change your toothbrush once every 3 months or earlier if the bristles get frayed. Don’t apply too much pressure when brushing, as this does more harm than good.

    Use a toothbrush of the appropriate size, one that is neither too big nor too small. If you follow a proper brushing technique, it stimulates your gums and keeps them in the pink of health.

  • Make Flossing A Daily Routine

    Dental floss gets between your teeth and under your gum line to remove plaque,  accessing the areas that the toothbrush cannot. For this reason, it is a must to floss everyday.

    A simple technique to floss:

    • Take about 18 inches of floss, wind most of the floss around each middle finger, leaving an inch or two of floss to work with.
    • Hold the floss stretched between your thumbs and index fingers, slide it gently up-and-down between your teeth.
    • Gently curve the floss around the base of each tooth, making sure you go beneath the gum line.
    • Do not ever force the floss, as this may injure your delicate gum tissue.
    • Use clean sections of floss as you move from tooth to tooth.
  • Rinse Your Mouth After Every Meal

    After brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an anti-bacterial mouthwash aids in removing the bacteria that may have been left behind.

    Also, rinsing the mouth after every meal or snack washes out food debris and decreases plaque formation.

  • Follow A Proper Diet

    While learning how to prevent gingivitis, it is important to pay attention to your diet too. A well balanced diet provides adequate nourishment, so make sure you follow a healthy diet.

    This will strengthen your immune system and help in warding off an attack by bacteria and other micro-organisms, including those in the mouth. Avoid frequent snacking and consuming foods that are rich in sugar content.

  • Avoid Unnecessary Stress

    Wondering what stress has to do with preventing gingivitis? A lot!

    As your stress levels increase, your body’s ability to fight off infections or diseases decreases. Also, when you are extremely distressed, daily practices such as brushing and flossing can be affected.

  • Keep Your Habits Healthy

    This is an important point that will often crop up when you run a check on how to prevent gingivitis. Keep away from habits such as smoking, as people who smoke or chew pan are prone to gingivitis.

    Chemicals from the pan and the heat from a cigarette can irritate and damage your gums, if you have either of these habits.

  • Visit Your Dentist Twice A Year

    A periodic visit to your dentist every 6 months for a thorough check-up can prevent the build-up of deposits around the gum margins. Your dentist will advise you to set right the misaligned teeth, replace worn out or improperly made accessories, and fill the decayed teeth.

    Your visits to the dentist must be more frequent if you are suffering from diabetes, certain cancers, or AIDS. If you have a known family history of gum problems, you should take extra care.

  • Choose Healthy Supplements

    In addition to the measures mentioned above, the consumption of vitamin C rich foods or supplements can maintain your gums in a healthy state. Opt for healthy supplements while shopping, and gingivitis will be the last worry on your mind.

Gingivitis in an easily preventable condition. If ignored, it can progress to advanced periodontal disease stages. As a result, it’s best to learn how to prevent gingivitis and keep your gums in perfect health, forestalling the need for gingivitis treatment.

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