Achilles Tendon Stretches and Other Rehabilitation Exercises

Once Achilles tendonitis treatment has been completed, it is important to perform Achilles tendon stretches and other exercises to keep the muscle active or else it will atrophy. Rehabilitation is mainly to make sure that the patient can cope with the pain levels initially and also to help reduce the pain gradually as the tendon heals itself.

The next phase is to completely eradicate the feeling of pain and bring the ankle and the tendon back to their original mobility and strength. Doctors generally prepare a regimen of exercises and work out plans that will keep you on your toes after your surgery, for complete Achilles tendon recovery.

A Look at Achilles Tendon Stretches and Rehabilitation Exercises

As the first objective is to ensure that there is little or no pain as the ankle and the tendon regain their strength, it is better to be prudent and start off with simple movements like bending the ankles and straightening it back instead of opting for hardcore Achilles tendon stretches.

achilles tendon stretches exercises
Achilles tendon stretches and other exercises are essential for proper recovery

As they gain the stability and strength required, the next thing is to concentration on the rotation in both directions. Once this is done and there is absolutely no pain in going through these exercises on a daily basis, the next step is to move on to other slightly rigorous Achilles tendonitis exercises.

Stretching Exercises

The next logical step is to make sure that the tendon is able to recapitulate its ability to stretch and be flexible. This is not only for the tendon, but also for the muscles in the calf and the shin. The patient can start out by stretching the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles.

Simple toe stretches, stair stretches, floor stretches and Achilles tendon stretches are helpful in ensuring that the calf muscle is able to stretch to its maximum extent.

The best practice is for the patient to sit on the floor and tug on his toes upwards while keeping the heel stationery. This helps in stretching both the calf muscles and the tendon. As for any exercise, it is important not to put too much stress on it immediately. Starting out slow and then gradually increasing the time for each exercise will help the Achilles tendon regain its strength back in no time.

Strengthening Exercises

Once the tendon and the calf muscles have gained their abilities to stretch and be flexible through Achilles tendon stretches, it is important for them to regain their strength. Activities like jumping and sprinting require not only flexibility but also strength and balance of the foot’s musculature. The rehabilitation program aims at achieving all these goals through simple exercises.

The best exercise that can be used to strengthen the calf muscles is the Isometric Exercise. In this exercise, the motion of the foot is restricted and an external force is applied and the tendon and the calf muscles contract and gain strength by resisting this force. This force can also be gradually increased.

Balance Exercises

Gaining balance can be a laborious process. The reason a patient loses his sense of balance is because of the complications that affect his nerves during either the surgery or the injury itself. Simple exercises like walking along a straight path, standing on one foot and beam balancing will definitely help in obtaining balance. It is fine to go cycling or jogging after a couple of months of rehabilitation.

In order to take up a proper regimen of exercises for Achilles tendonitis, you should consult your medical practitioner. Make sure that you don’t try and pull off Achilles tendon stretches without guidance or some basic knowhow.