The Benefits Of Salmon – The Facts Behind The Food Option

Salmon is a favorite among fish fanatics across the world. It is available both in the wild and farmed varieties. In addition to its delicious taste, the benefits of salmon are plenty, which is why it forms an essential part of many non-vegetarian diets.

Salmon belongs to the Salmonidae family and has eight known species, among which the Atlantic and Pacific varieties are the most common. This fish is a nutritional powerhouse, since its flesh is full of nutrients like protein, vitamins D and B12, selenium, tryptophan, and the most recommended nutrient, omega-3 fatty acid.

benefits of salmon
The benefits of salmon include improved cognitive function and heart health.

Four Major Nutritional Benefits Of Salmon

Here are some of the proven health benefits of salmon. This incredible fish is known to:

  1. Improve Heart Health

    The flesh of salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are beneficial for cardiovascular health. They reduce blood pressure, lower the incidence of heart attacks, decrease the levels of triglycerides in the blood, and help blood circulation.

  2. Raise Cognitive Function And Brain Performance

    Adding salmon to your diet benefits your brain function as well as your cognitive ability. The DHA or DocosaHexaenoic Acid component of salmon promotes neurotransmission and retinal stimulation.

    Also, the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon contain EPA or EicosaPentaenoic Acid, which helps alleviate some of the symptoms associated with psychiatric disorders.

    According to a 2013 study published in Current Opinion in Psychiatry, supplementing a diet with EPA helps in treating cases of depression.

  3. Reduce Age-Related Cognitive Impairment

    As humans age, the white matter in the brain begins to reduce. Since this is the site where much of the neurotransmission occurs, its impairment is responsible for many age-related diseases such as dementia.

    As per a 2010 study published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, consuming omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduces the risk of developing dementia.

    Eating salmon also benefits people who do not meet the criteria for dementia but are still experiencing cognitive decline.

    salmon health benefits
    Get salmon health benefits by adding at least 2 servings of this fish to your weekly diet.
  4. Prevent Inflammation

    There is currently a growing body of evidence to suggest that consuming omega-3 fatty acids has anti-inflammatory effects in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Individuals who take a regular supplement of this fatty acid experience less pain compared to those taking standard medication.

Salmon is clearly a health-friendly food choice. To make the most of the nutritional benefits of salmon, you must include at least two servings of salmon per week in your diet.

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