Category: Fitness

  • Yoga Poses And How They Work – Some Popular Yoga Exercises

    Yoga has been garnering much attention across the world, especially in health and fitness circles. Practiced in India for over 5000 years, yoga poses help you build physical health and stay centered, reduce stress levels, and give you renewed energy!

  • Power Yoga Benefits – How This Form Of Exercise Helps

    Power Yoga is a modified version of Ashtanga yoga. It combines traditional yoga poses with fast-paced synchronized movements. This new fitness regime targets excess weight and provides an overall increase in fitness levels. The popularity of this workout is spreading rapidly, as power yoga benefits are being endorsed by celebrities.

  • Power Yoga Poses – Exercises You Can Master Easily

    Power Yoga is the Western form of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga. Unlike traditional yoga poses, which use a slow-paced approach, power yoga poses are a series of dynamic moves designed to accelerate your heart rate. Power yoga synchronizes fast-paced movements with controlled breathing (Vinyasa). This combination generates an intense total body workout, uniting the mind […]

  • Bikram Yoga Benefits – Seven Health Benefits You Can Enjoy

    Practicing Bikram yoga is great for your health, as the Bikram yoga benefits received by your body help it become fitter, rejuvenated, and robust!

  • The Best Bikram Yoga Poses – A Guide For Better Practice

    Looking for an effective way to tone your muscles and lose some weight? Bikram yoga poses have been designed to help you do just that! For better health and overall fitness, try this popular form of yoga.

  • Yoga Exercises 101 – All You Need To Know About Yoga

    If you often wonder what is it about yoga that makes it so popular, you’re not alone. There is a lot of curiosity surrounding this ancient Indian tradition, which started out as a part of Hindu philosophy. After Swami Vivekananda introduced yoga in the West in the 1890s, its reach and popularity have soared further, […]

  • A Checklist Of Pilates Benefits – Why It’s The Right Routine For You

    Pilates is a flexible group of exercises that can be adapted to match the varied fitness requirements of people. The effectiveness of Pilates exercises rests on building a strong core. Many people who have adopted this form of fitness have reported a wide range of health benefits, including pain relief and weight loss. Read about […]

  • Stay In Shape With Pilates Exercises – The Top Three Workouts

    Pilates is a popular physical fitness routine, designed to provide conditioning to the whole body and improve its strength and flexibility. Over the years, many proponents of Pilates have claimed that this routine provides a host of benefits for the body, such as improvement in muscle coordination, prevention of injuries, and an increase in strength. […]

  • Try Pilates At Home – Some Non Fussy Exercises For Beginners

    Pilates’ beginner exercises are a great way of becoming familiar with the whole Pilates exercise system. These introductory exercises utilize the mat and are designed to build core strength, flexibility, and stability. Each Pilates stretch and exercise engages the abdominal muscles. If you’re a beginner at Pilates, here’s what you should do.

  • The Benefits Of Gym Workouts – Five Healthy Reasons

    Have you often been motivated or coaxed by a loved one to take up some form of exercise to become healthy and fit? Perhaps it has been quite difficult for you to start an exercise routine and stick to it, either due to the pressures of modern life or from sheer laziness. You should know […]